Not yet published lectures and posters connected to the topics of the meeting can only be submitted. Send your manuscripts electronically to the following address:
Deadline for submission of the abstracts: August 25, 2012
The Scientific Committee of the Conference, which receives the manuscripts from the time of this announcement continuously, will decide on the acceptance and the program classification of the submitted manuscripts. The authors will be notified about the reception, evaluation and section classification of the manuscripts and about the method and time of presentation, separately.
The Scientific Committee can accept and publish the received summaries in the conference volume only if the participation fee or the certificate of the payment has arrived on time.
Deadline for the payment: September 10, 2012
The summaries of the accepted lectures and posters will be published in the abstract volume of the conference. The summaries of the lectures and posters will be published in the submitted form, so please adhere to the formal requirements. Attaching the statement (in scanned form) required to be submitted at the same time together with the abstracts is also a condition to the publication of the abstract.
The formal requirements of the submitted abstracts, lectures and posters can be downloaded from the conference website.