Ápolási Tanszék  --  Konferenciák, rendezvények  --  Főiskolát és Egyetemet Végzett Ápolók X. Országos Találkozója  --  10th National Meeting of MS and BS Graduate Nurses


Dear Colleagues and Guests!


It is a great honor and pleasure for us that the Nursing Department, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies, University of Szeged has the possibility to receive the guests, as host of the jubilee biennial event. We appreciate that you accepted our invitation.


The conference offers seven plenary lectures by well-known professionals as well as more than half hundred presentations of almost 70 authors who share their experiences and results.


The topics of the presentations embrace among others the role of nursing in safe patient care, the experiences with evidence based nursing practice as well as the challenges and solutions in nursing practice and nursing education, and the issues of introducing joint programs and credit transfer in an EU-Atlantis perspective.


The plenary sessions and the session with the title ’EU-Atlantis perspective in nurse training’ offers Hungarian and English written, projected translations to support the lecturers arriving from six countries (Northern Ireland, Finland, Ireland, Romania, Serbia, USA/Kansas) and all the participants interested in the topic.


We hope that the CONFERENCE will provide an excellent opportunity to share experiences and recommendations gained in a changing world, and results obtained in different cultural settings. Besides these, mutual recognition is also a basic condition in order to develop nursing theory and practice.


In the name of the organizer Nursing Department and the assisting colleagues we wish you with all our hearts to be involved in thrilling professional discussions, pleasant meetings and plenty of experiences together. We wish you to get to know the CITY OF SUNSHINE and remember the spirits of the university, together with the forever vibrant atmosphere of the town.


Dr. Helembai Kornélia

Head of the Conference



Egészségtudományi és Szociális Képzési Kar

Rendezvénynaptár *
